Where Creativity Begins

I’m sitting down at my computer after the longest fallow period of my entire professional life. I…

The Worm That Changed My Mind

About a month ago, I came across a tomato hornworm on my cherry tomato plant. If you haven’t seen a…

Difficult Times

I’ve never lived through a pandemic before and I’m pretty sure you haven’t either. So each one of…

I Know You're Angry

I woke up this morning to a friend messaging me through Instagram about her anxiety around the news…

The Things We Fear

This year for Christmas I asked for An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo, Poet Laureate of the United…

The Worst Day, The Best Day

It was a regular day just like any other, probably a Tuesday. The sun was low in the sky and my…

The Winds of Self-Doubt

I’m reading a novel right now called The Winds of War and, while I haven’t figured out just yet…

Lessons from Audrey Hepburn

Last year I finished a biography of Audrey Hepburn and overall it was a delight. I’ve never…

The Terror of Unemployment

I turned on the AC today for the first time in a while because the temperature hit 87 degrees here…